the blog

An Everlasting Romance ♥

As we all know the chemistry between a woman and her shoes is and everlasting romance. They make us laugh, they make us cry and when on sale… jump with hysterical joy! They are kept as precious little mementoes, can level your ego in a split second, and once you’ve found
the one THE PAIR – happily walk you down the aisle.

This could potentially be followed by reports of their alleged involvement in heated discussions, tired feet and last seen by the “framed” puppy dog.


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    Hello there beautiful, I'm Leanne. I'm a Cape Town based creative, irrevocably in love with photography, social media, and think Champagne is ALWAYS a good idea.

    I'm also a mom to a tiny boy-human, make an Instagram worthy pancake breakfast, and wish it could be summer all year round.



    I'm a Cape Town based creative irrevocably in love with photography, social media, and think champagne is ALWAYS a good idea.

    let's be friends!