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Theresa & Francois | Engagement

It was on April 13, 1957 that the King of Rock topped the U.S. Pop charts for 8 weeks in a row with “All shook up.” And it comes as no surprise that this 50’s retro couple met at a singing competition and stepped all over each other’s “Blue Suede Shoes” when number forty-seven said to number three: “You’re the cutest bird I ever did see.

Theresa: “For our engagement shoot I wanted to wear my 50’s retro polka “rock” dress with red lips. People often comment that I was born in the wrong era, but then again our favorite pass time is playing Xbox together, and I am not sure they had those back then. Ha!”

Theresa and I have a huge love for music and appreciate it as a whole. There is something we like from every genre. I play guitar, bass and drums and I am proud to say that I already own my dream Guitar, an Ibanez RGR 321 EX in gloss black with white bindings. Theresa, a classical diva, plays the flute, piano and thinks a baby grand will be a fabulous gift.

Francois: “I asked my dad if he could fetch my grandmother’s vintage ring from the safe, and I gave it to Theresa and said “I’d like if you to wear this”. Some tears were shed as I asked her to be my wife – I’ll never forget that moment.”

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    Hello there beautiful, I'm Leanne. I'm a Cape Town based creative, irrevocably in love with photography, social media, and think Champagne is ALWAYS a good idea.

    I'm also a mom to a tiny boy-human, make an Instagram worthy pancake breakfast, and wish it could be summer all year round.



    I'm a Cape Town based creative irrevocably in love with photography, social media, and think champagne is ALWAYS a good idea.

    let's be friends!