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Yazied & Shaileen Beach Wedding

A mutual friend introduced them in her final year of high school but their friendship didn’t extend beyond social chats until a handful of years later, even though Shaileen knew straight away that Yazied, a kind and caring soul, was the man of her dreams.

When they finally reconnected they were inseparable. Yazied even surprised her at work for coffee and lunch dates. Within the first month of dating he realized that they were destined for a long and happy life of love and commitment.

For his birthday, Shaileen booked a surprise weekend away and splurged on a luxury hotel retreat for the two of them to relax and unwind. As the sun set Yazied handed her a little box and in his attempt to mask the excitement mixed with anxiety, he told her in a nonchalant manner that he had bought her earrings.

As she saw the box and opened it, a nervous giggle ensued to which Yazied responded: “I take that as a yes!” Shaileen responded in a cheeky but gawky manner reminding him that he had in fact not asked her any questions, yet… and they both just started laughing.

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Hello there beautiful, I'm Leanne. I'm a Cape Town based creative, irrevocably in love with photography, social media, and think Champagne is ALWAYS a good idea.

I'm also a mom to a tiny boy-human, make an Instagram worthy pancake breakfast, and wish it could be summer all year round.



I'm a Cape Town based creative irrevocably in love with photography, social media, and think champagne is ALWAYS a good idea.

let's be friends!